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Guide to Turkey's License Plate Codes: History & Regional List

Understand Turkey's license plate codes, their history, structure, and regional variations with this comprehensive guide, including a full provincial list.

Guide to Turkey's License Plate Codes: History & Regional List

License plate codes in Turkey are more than just a series of numbers and letters—they are a reflection of the country’s administrative organization, historical evolution, and regional distinctions. Understanding these codes can be crucial not only for residents but also for expatriates, businesses, and anyone involved in vehicle-related transactions in Turkey. This guide delves into the history, structure, and regional variations of Turkey's license plate codes, providing a thorough understanding of this essential aspect of Turkish road culture.

Historical Background

The use of license plate codes in Turkey dates back to the early 20th century, shortly after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. As the country modernized, the need for a systematic vehicle registration process became apparent. The first license plate codes were introduced to organize the growing number of vehicles and to facilitate easy identification of vehicles by region.

Initially, the system was relatively simple, with each province assigned a unique two-digit code. These codes were allocated in alphabetical order of the provinces' names, starting with 01 for Adana and ending with 81 for Düzce, the most recent addition to the list of provinces. This system has remained largely unchanged, with each province's code reflecting its position in the Turkish alphabet at the time of the system's implementation.

Structure of License Plate Codes

Turkish license plate codes follow a consistent structure: they begin with the two-digit provincial code, followed by a combination of letters and numbers. For example, a license plate from Istanbul might read "34 AB 1234." Here's a breakdown of what each component represents:

  1. Provincial Code: The first two digits correspond to the province where the vehicle was registered. For instance, "34" represents Istanbul, "06" represents Ankara, and "35" represents İzmir.
  2. Letter Group: The next part consists of one to three letters. This letter group is assigned sequentially as new plates are issued within a province. It does not have a specific meaning but serves to differentiate vehicles registered in the same province.
  3. Numeric Group: The final part of the license plate contains a set of numbers, usually ranging from 1 to 9999. This numeric group is also assigned sequentially and is unique to each combination of provincial code and letter group.

This structure allows for a large number of unique license plates within each province, accommodating the growing number of vehicles on Turkey's roads.

Detailed List of Turkish Province Plate Codes

Here is the full list of Turkey's 81 provincial license plate codes:

Province Plaka Code
Adana 01
Adıyaman 02
Afyonkarahisar 03
Ağrı 04
Amasya 05
Ankara 06
Antalya 07
Artvin 08
Aydın 09
Balıkesir 10
Bilecik 11
Bingöl 12
Bitlis 13
Bolu 14
Burdur 15
Bursa 16
Çanakkale 17
Çankırı 18
Çorum 19
Denizli 20
Diyarbakır 21
Edirne 22
Elazığ 23
Erzincan 24
Erzurum 25
Eskişehir 26
Gaziantep 27
Giresun 28
Gümüşhane 29
Hakkâri 30
Hatay 31
Isparta 32
Mersin 33
İstanbul 34
İzmir 35
Kars 36
Kastamonu 37
Kayseri 38
Kırklareli 39
Kırşehir 40
Kocaeli 41
Konya 42
Kütahya 43
Malatya 44
Manisa 45
Kahramanmaraş 46
Mardin 47
Muğla 48
Muş 49
Nevşehir 50
Niğde 51
Ordu 52
Rize 53
Sakarya 54
Samsun 55
Siirt 56
Sinop 57
Sivas 58
Tekirdağ 59
Tokat 60
Trabzon 61
Tunceli 62
Şanlıurfa 63
Uşak 64
Van 65
Yozgat 66
Zonguldak 67
Aksaray 68
Bayburt 69
Karaman 70
Kırıkkale 71
Batman 72
Şırnak 73
Bartın 74
Ardahan 75
Iğdır 76
Yalova 77
Karabük 78
Kilis 79
Osmaniye 80
Düzce 81

Regional Variations and the Case of Northern Cyprus

While Turkey's license plate system is standardized across its provinces, there are notable variations in regions with special administrative statuses or historical contexts. One such region is Northern Cyprus, which, although politically and administratively distinct from Turkey, uses a similar license plate format.

In Northern Cyprus, license plates follow a slightly different system, where the plates typically start with "Z" followed by a unique combination of letters and numbers. This system reflects the region's historical and political ties with Turkey while maintaining a distinct identity.

Modern Updates and Recent Changes

As Turkey continues to develop, its license plate system has seen some updates, particularly in response to the creation of new provinces and the increasing number of vehicles. The most significant change in recent years was the addition of Düzce as Turkey's 81st province, necessitating the creation of a new code ("81") and the adjustment of certain administrative processes.

Additionally, the rise of personalized license plates has introduced a new dynamic to the system. While the traditional two-digit code structure remains, some vehicles now feature customized plates that adhere to certain regulations but allow for personalized letter and number combinations. This trend, though relatively niche, has added an extra layer of complexity to the system.

Importance of Understanding License Plate Codes

For anyone living in or doing business in Turkey, understanding the country's license plate codes is essential. Whether you're purchasing a vehicle, navigating insurance requirements, or simply driving on Turkey's roads, knowing how to read and interpret these codes can provide valuable insights into the vehicle's origin and history.

For expatriates, in particular, this knowledge can be crucial when dealing with vehicle registration, insurance, and legal matters. Turkey's strict regulations around vehicle ownership and operation mean that accurate identification of a vehicle's registration details is often necessary for compliance.


Turkey's license plate codes offer a fascinating glimpse into the country's administrative structure and regional diversity. From their historical origins to modern adaptations, these codes are a vital part of Turkey's transportation system. Whether you're a resident, an expatriate, or a visitor, understanding these codes can enhance your experience on Turkish roads and ensure that you navigate the legal and administrative landscape with confidence.

For those looking to explore vehicle-related services or seeking further information about Turkey's road regulations, Ikamet Sigorta is here to assist. With our expertise in Turkish residency, citizenship by investment, real estate, and insurance, we can provide the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions and secure a prosperous future in Turkey.